For me reggae music is fantastic music. When we learn word "reggae" , I said reggae is peace. I loved reggae music and reggae music is a part of my life. Music is not only amusement and reggae is not only music, but its a part of life style. And Reggae have a content about more life value and philosophy. When speak about reggae, we know Bob marley. Actually there are more terrific big name .
Indonesian music need media communication, because music has universal philosophy. and reggae must become part ofindustry and industry also must consider reggae as asset.
Learning reggae community is more important and more to do some positif element. Not only dreadlock and marijuana, coz reggae philosophy is more deep anddimensional. Reggae not only simbolik affair.
I'm very respect with all of reggae musician in Indonesia. I hope all reggae musician in Indonesia more think about education element, coz reggae has spirit of convergent or strong brotherhood , thas constructive spirit to indonesian people, so reggae spirit more become a universal language and not only have by reggae music lover and can be accepted by more people. So i hope reggae community not be broken.